Cessna 205, 206 & 207
The renowned 205/206/207 line began life as a four seat utility flying machine, reached out from the 182 Skylane.
In its beginning structure the 205 (at first 210-5) was essentially a modified undercarriage subsidiary of the 210 Centurion, updated for utility parts, giving more rigging space. Familiar with the Cessna lineup in 1962, the 205 was powered by the same IO-470 engine as the 210b and stressed an additional little payload passage on the left a large portion of the fuselage. It later got its sixth seat.
The 205 continued going in creation until 1964 when it was supplanted by the all the more viable 206, which came in 2 decisions, the P206 Super Skylane and the U206 Super Skywagon, which independently intimated Passenger and Utility, the U206 offering greater twofold payload doors on the right fuselage side. Steady change took in the wake of, including presentation of turbocharged and fuel mixed models. The "Super" prefix for the Super Skywagon was dropped in 1969 and the Stationair name was grasped in 1971. Era at first halted in 1985.
The 207 Skywagon meanwhile offered a 1.07m (3ft 6in) fuselage stretch (allowing seating for seven) and became available from 1969. Known as the Stationair 7 from 1978, it was supplanted by the 207a Stationair 8 from 1979 which had seating for an eighth inhabitant. Era completed in 1984. A couple were understood France by Reims as the F207. A couple of 206 and 207 flying machine have been changed over to turbine control by Soloy as the Turbine 206 and 207.
The 206 is the third Cessna single to be returned to creation at the association's new Independence plant in Kansas. Two structures are offered, the usually suctioned 206h and turbo T206h. The T206h first flew on August 6 1996, controlled by a TIO-580, while the regularly suctioned 206h, powered by an IO-580, assumed November 6. A decision to switch to the TIO-540 and IO-540 in light of reliability concerns pushed back creation by around 10 months. The 206h was certificated on September 9 1998, the T206h on October 1. Pictures of Cessna 205, 206 & 207 |