Embraer ERJ-170/175/190/195
The Embraer ERJ-170 and ERJ-190 arrangement are all new contestants into the top end of the local plane aerial shuttle market, with seating limits crossing from 70 to 108.
Embraer declared the ERJ-170 and ERJ-190 in February 1999, and formally propelled the system on June 14 that year at the Paris Airshow.
The principal part of the family is the 70 seat Embraer 170, which took off on October 29 2001 (when the ERJ prefix was dropped for the showcasing assignment) and first flew on February 19 2002. Six airplane were being utilized within the flight test system.
People in general presentation was at the Regional Airline Association tradition at Nashville, Tennessee in May 2002, emulated by its European debut at the Farnborough International Air Show in July that year. The 170 was certificated in February 2004 and conveyances began in March 2004 to LOT Polish Airlines, US Airways and Alitalia Express.
Embraer is likewise assembling the Embraer 175, extended by 1.77m (5ft 10in) over the Embraer 170. The main flight was made on June 14 2003.
The 6.25m (8ft 5in) extended Embraer 190 seats 98 travelers, the further extended Embraer 195, 2.41m (7ft 11in) more drawn out than the 190, will situate 108. The Embraer 190 made the first flight in March 2004, took after by the 195 in December that year.
Every one of the three variations are offered in standard and LR (long go) variations. A corporate plane adaptation of the 170 is likewise proposed.
Gimmicks of the family incorporate new FADEC prepared GE Cf34 motors (the most capable Cf34 variations), another four side by side "twofold air pocket" fuselage cross segment, a reasonably cleared wing with winglets (added to the outline in mid 2000), fly-by-wire flight controls, and Honeywell Primus Epic EFIS flying.
In spite of the fact that Embraer 170/175/190/195 are the promoting assignments, the authority sort endorsement assignments remain ERJ prefixed as ERJ-170/175/190/195. Pictures of Embraer ERJ-170/175/190/195 |