Let L-40 MetaSokol
One of the more lesser known light flying machine to rise up out of behind the Iron Curtain, the surprisingly arranged Metasokol three/four seat light air ship was an improvement of the Let Mraz M.1 Sokol.
The M.1 Sokol was a three seat light flying machine created in the late 1940s. It was utilized within a mixture of parts, fundamentally for preparing and a number were assembled for Czechoslovak flying schools. The wooden development M.1 Sokol emphasized tail dragger undercarriage and a 80kw (105hp) Walter Minor 4iii inline transformed four barrel motor.
Like the M.1 Sokol, early generation Metasokols situated three and were controlled by the same 80kw (105hp) Walter Minor motor. However the Metasokol presented various new gimmicks and outline progressions including metal development, a rearwards sliding cockpit shelter, an exceptionally tall vertical tail that stretches out from the fuselage at practically a right edge, and an one of a kind undercarriage framework.
The Metasokol's undercarriage offers an opposite tricycle game plan, with the principle undercarriage legs reaching out from the front of the wing, with the third leg mounted from under the fuselage. Not at all like the first altered undercarriage M.1 Sokol, the Metasokol's undercarriage withdraws, in spite of the fact that the rearward withdrawing fundamental arriving apparatus stays uncovered in flight.
The model L20 Metasokol flew shockingly amid 1954. This unique three seat model was implicit just little numbers before it was superseded by the conclusive four seater, which additionally presented an all the more influential M332 motor. The M332 was remarkable in that its ordinary most extreme force yield could be supported for up to five minutes with supercharging.
Like the dominant part of Eastern European flying machine of now is the right time, most Metasokols were sent out to nations inside the Soviet range of prominence, in spite of the fact that a number were sold in western Europe, North America and Australia. Pictures of Let L-40 MetaSokol |