Let L-200 Morava
The Let L-200 Morava retractable four seat light twin was one of the few light air ship to be sent out from behind the Iron Curtain amid the Cold War period, yet in little numbers.
Ladislav Smrek of the Czechoslovakian State Aircraft Factory planned the L-200 in the mid 1950s to create a trade for the early post bellum vintage Aero 45 and 145 light twins. His ensuing outline is comparable from multiple points of view to its contemporary western twins, with a four or five spot lodge, a low wing, wingtip tanks, metal development and retractable undercarriage. However the Morava is discernable by its twin tails, standard warm wing deicing gear and reversed inline motors.
The model XL-200 Morava flew surprisingly on April 8 1957. The XL-200 model and an arrangement of preproduction L-200s were fueled by 120kw (160hp) Walter Minor 6-III inline sixes. Starting creation was of the L-200a, which varied from the L-200 in being controlled by two 155kw (210hp) fuel infused M-337s, and had more noteworthy weights, a reprofiled lodge and using pressurized water (as opposed to electrically) worked undercarriage and folds.
Let assembled 160 L-200as preceding creation exchanged to the enhanced L-200d. Gimmicks incorporate a reinforced undercarriage, enhanced water driven and electrical frameworks and steady speed three cutting edge propellers. The L-200d stayed in creation until 1969, and 5 air ship were permit inherent Slovenia (then piece of Yugoslavia) by Libis. A turboprop controlled advancement was mulled over yet not constructed.
Most L-200 generation was for clients inside the Soviet Bloc - Aeroflot for instance worked a vast number in a scope of parts including air taxi, air emergency vehicle and correspondences obligations. However little numbers were traded to western Europe, the USA and other Western nations. Pictures of Let L-200 Morava |