Let L-410 & L-420
The L410 is extremely fruitful Czech worker which was first inherent reaction to Soviet necessities, yet has sold generally around the globe.
Initially plan investigations of the first 15 seat L 410 started in 1966. The ensuing routine outline was named the Turbolet, and was created to be fit for operations from ill-equipped strips. The powerplant picked was the all new Walter or Motorlet M 601, however this motor was not sufficiently created enough to power the models, and Pratt & Whitney Canada Pt6a27s were fitted in their spot. Initially flight happened on April 16 1969, and arrangement generation started in 1970. Introductory generation L 410s were additionally controlled by the Pt6a, and it was not until 1973 that creation air ship L 410ms emphasized the M 601.
The fundamental L 410 was superseded from 1979 by the L 410 UVP with a 47cm (1ft 7in) fuselage stretch, M 601b motors and subtle element refinements. The UVP was thus supplanted by the M 601e fueled UVPE in which the can and stuff compartments were repositioned permitting more effective seating game plans for up to 19 travelers. The UVPE is the current generation adaptation.
The L 420 is an enhanced variation with all the more compelling M 601f motors, higher weights and enhanced execution intended to meet western accreditation necessities. It first flew on November 10 1993 and was honored US FAA certificate in May 1998.
Ayres took control of Let in September 1998 and arrangements to further create the 410/420 line. Pictures of Let L-410 & L-420 |