Fuji FA200 Aero Subaru
The Fuji Fa200 Aero Subaru was the first completely Japanese planned light airplane to enter arrangement generation, with the lion's share manufactured for fare requests.
A result of the Fuji Heavy Industries modern aggregate (which was framed through the merger of six separate concerns, including Ww2 contender maker Nakajima, and manufactures Subaru autos), configuration deal with the Fa200 started in 1964. A model, the Fa200ii, first flew on August 12 1965.
The essential Fa200 outline was relied upon to structure the premise of a group of light air ship including the two seat side-by-side mentor Fa200i fueled by a 85kw (115hp) Lycoming O235 and the single seat F204 agrarian rendition. However just the four seat tourer, as spoke to by the model, entered generation. This air ship was of routine low wing and altered undercarriage outline, and was aerobatic at diminished weights.
Three forms of the Fa200 entered generation, the first being the 120kw (160hp) fueled Fa200160, which was likewise certificated with lessened weights in the Utility class with three seats, and the Aerobatic with two seats. The Fa200180 was basically comparable however fueled by a 135kw (180hp) fuel infused Io360. Conveyances of both variants started in March 1968.
A third model joined the lineup from mid 1973, the Fa200180ao. This was a diminished determination rendition of the Fa200180 with an altered pitch propeller and caburetted Lycoming O360 motor.
The Aero Subaru stayed in creation until 1977 when 274 had been fabricated. The sort stayed accessible to extraordinary request through to 1986, by which time a further 25 had been manufactured. Pictures of Fuji FA200 Aero Subaru |