GAF N22 & N24 Nomad
The Nomad was created by Australia's Government Aircraft Factory from the late 1960s to assist furnish the office with work after development of permit constructed Mirage plane warriors was finished, and to offer another tough STOL utility transport suited to both military and common administrators.
To begin with flight of the model Nomad N2 happened on July 23 1971. A second model first flew on December 5 that year. First and foremost conveyances of the generation N22 (to the Philippines military) started in 1975.
Peculiarities of the new utility included retractable undercarriage, two Allison 250 turboprops, a supported high mounted wing with full compass twofold opened folds and a squared sided fuselage.
The beginning N22 was trailed by the N22b with an expanded most extreme takeoff weight, which was certificated in 1975. The N22 additionally structured the premise for the Searchmaster seaside watch air ship which separated from military clients likewise saw administration with Australian and US traditions administrations. The Floatmaster was a N22b fitted with Wipaire skims with retractable undercarriage.
The N22 was extended by 1.14m (3ft 9in) ensuing in the N24. Pointed more at territorial aerial shuttles (and showcased as the Commuterliner) than utility administrators, the primary lodge could situate 16. Variants of the N24 offered incorporated the Cargomaster tanker and the Medicmaster flying rescue vehicle.
Wanderer creation stopped in 1984, to the extent that to fumble by the Australian government offices endowed with its advancement as any issues with the airplane.
It is fascinating to note that GAF was renamed ASTA (Aerospace Technologies of Australia), which was obtained by Rockwell in 1996 and henceforth was hence inherited by Boeing late that year. Pictures of GAF N22 & N24 Nomad |