McDonnell Douglas MD-81/82/83/88
The prevalent MD-80 arrangement is an extended and enhanced advancement of the Mcdonnell Douglas DC-9.
The birthplaces of the MD-80 lie in 1975 testing where a standard DC-9 was fitted with enhanced, more effective, higher detour degree Jt8d-200 arrangement turbofans. MDC initially proposed fitting the new motors (which meet Stage 3 commotion points of confinement) to an advancement assigned the DC-9-55, which would have emphasized two Jt8d-209s and a 3.86m (12ft 8in) extended fuselage over the 50.
Rather MDC created the DC-9 Super 80 (or DC-9-80), joining the new motors with a further extended fuselage, expanded compass wing and different enhancements. Dispatched in October 1977, the Super 80 first flew on October 18 1979. Confirmation for the beginning Super 80 model, the 81, was allowed in July 1981. The main client conveyance was to Swissair in September 1980.
Mcdonnell Douglas renamed the DC-9-80 the MD-80 in 1983. The MD-80 assignment however is a bland assignment for the arrangement and does not matter to a certain model sort. The particular MD-80 models are the starting MD-81, the MD-82 with all the more influential Jt8d-217s, the broadened reach MD-83 with additional fuel and more proficient Jt8d-219s, and the MD-88 (first flight August 1987) with the Jt8d-219s of the MD-83 with an EFIS flightdeck and overhauled lodge inner part, with different changes. The shorter fuselage yet more go MD-87 is depicted independently under Mcdonnell Douglas.
Beginning offers of the Super 80 were moderate until American Airlines submitted an introductory request for 67 MD-82s (with alternatives on 100) in ahead of schedule 1984 (American now works an armada of 260 MD-80s), kickstarting what happened to turn into an exceedingly fruitful project - the 1000th MD-80 was conveyed in March 1992.
Taking after the 1997 merger of Boeing and Mcdonnell Douglas the eventual fate of the Douglas carriers were assessed. In December 1997 Boeing affirmed its choice to drop the MD-80 and MD-90 once present requests were satisfied. An April 1998 TWA request for 24 MD-83s will see the MD-80 stay in generation until January 2000. Pictures of McDonnell Douglas MD-81/82/83/88 |