Diamond DA-40 Diamond Star
The DA-40 Diamond Star is a composite development four spot light single now offered in avgas and plane fuel blazing structures.
Precious stone Aircraft was shaped in 1981 as Hoffmann Flugzeugbau, and after insolvency changed as Hoffmann Aircraft in 1984. The organization was renamed HOAC Austria Flugzeugwerk in 1990 and Diamond Aircraft in 1996. The DA-40 is its first FAR/JAR Pt23 certificated flying machine, its prior items incorporate the H-36 Dimona, HK-36 Super Dimona (Katana Xtreme) and the Rotax 912 and Continental IO-240 controlled DV-20/DA-20 Katana two seater. The DA-20 is implicit Canada.
Precious stone formally dispatched the DA-40 on April 23 1997 at the Aero 97 airshow in Friedrichshafen, Germany. The Rotax 914 controlled evidence of idea DA-40v-1 first flew on November 5 1997, the second model DA-40v-2 with an IO-240 emulated soon after. The third model, with a Textron Lycoming IO-360, the generation powerplant, flew in 1998. Four further models emulated, with JAA JAR 23 accreditation honored on October 25 2000. FAA and JAR accreditation was recompensed in April 2001.
The DA-40-180 is built approximately in light of the DA-20 however emphasizes a bigger fuselage with seating for four and a marginally more compass wing. The airframe is produced using glassfibre strengthened plastics with carbonfibre fortification in a few territories. Force is from a Lycoming IO-360 with Lasar electronic fuel infusion. Standard fuel limit is 155 liters, nonobligatory fuel limit is 200 liters.
The turbo diesel Thielert Centurion 1.7 fueled DA-40d TDI flew on November 28 2001. Notwithstanding "just" creating 100kw (135hp) the Centurion 1.7 gives the DA-40d TDI journey execution practically identical to the DA-40-180 and stunningly better extend, while blazing only 17 liters of fuel (either fly fuel or diesel) a hour. Conveyances of this variant began in right on time 2003. Pictures of Diamond DA-40 Diamond Star |