Cessna 172 Skyhawk (later models)
In the late 1960s Cessna re-engined its now exceptionally effective 172 four seater with the four barrel Lycoming O-320. These O-320 controlled models were the best to shoulder the 172 model number (and the Skyhawk name for the Deluxe choice), as they were in generation amid GA's brilliant years, the 1970s.
Cessna re-engined the 172 with the Lycoming O-320-E as contrasted and the O-300 it had two less barrels (and therefore lower redesign costs), a 200 hour more noteworthy TBO, enhanced fuel proficiency and more power. Indeed thus, Cessna thought 172 generation would be shortlived as the correspondingly fueled however more advanced 177 Cardinal was discharged in the meantime. Despite the Cardinal, the Lycoming fueled 172 was a runaway achievement and effortlessly beat and outlasted its expected substitution.
The main O-320 Skyhawk was the 172i presented in 1968. The 1969 172k presented an upgraded balance, reshaped back windows and discretionary expanded fuel limit, while 1970's 172k brandished funnel shaped camber wingtips and a more extensive track undercarriage. The 172l in generation in the 1971/72 model years was the first to peculiarity the amplified dorsal balance filet.
The 172m of 1973/76 picked up a hung wing heading edge for enhanced low speed taking care of. The 172m was additionally the first to present the discretionary `ii' bundle of higher standard supplies. Additionally in 1976 Cessna quit advertising the air ship as the 172.
The 172n was fueled by a 120kw (160hp) O-320-H intended to run on 100 octane fuel, yet the motor demonstrated troublesome and was supplanted by the correspondingly appraised O-320-D in the 172p of 1981. The P was the last essential 172 model, staying in generation until 1985.
Higher execution 172s incorporate the R172 Hawk XP, fueled by a 145kw (195hp) Continental IO-360 and the 135kw (180hp) Lycoming O-360 controlled, retractable undercarriage 172rg Cutlass. The 172 was likewise delivered under permit by Reims in France as the F172 and Fr172. Pictures of Cessna 172 Skyhawk (later models) |