Vickers Viscount
Vicker's Viscount was the first turboprop aerial shuttle from any country to enter administration.
The Viscount was one of the consequences of the UK's wartime Brabazon Committee, which was set up to characterize necessities for British post bellum business air ship. Dialogs between the council and Vickers originators in late 1944, who had as of now been chipping away at the VC-1 Viking carrier advancement of the Wellington aerial attacker, brought about what was in the end to turn into the Viscount. The council's necessity was for a 24 seat 1000 mile (1600km/868nm) extent aerial shuttle, and before the end of 1945 Vickers had chosen the Rolls-Royce Dart turboprop motor that was then being worked on to power the new air ship.
In March 1946 the British government put an agreement with Vickers to construct two models of its outline (then called Viceroy), one fueled by Darts, the other by Armstrong Siddeley Mamba turboprops. When of the Dart controlled model's first flight on July 16 1948 the outline had developed to seat 34 and was assigned Type 630. The second model, the Type 663, was fueled by two Rolls-Royce Tay plane motors. Carrier lack of interest to the 34 seat Viscount and the accessibility of all the more effective Dart variations however headed Vickers to extend the configuration to seat 40. This improvement was assigned the Type 700, and first flew on April 19 1950.
Carrier enthusiasm toward the Viscount 700 was much stronger, and in the wake of accepting confirmation on April 17 1953 it entered administration with BEA the accompanying day. The Viscount was the subject of various expansive requests including from North America, its smoothness, great working commercial concerns and pressurization helping its prosperity.
Exploiting the 700's prosperity Vickers created the extended 800 with seating for up to 69, while the last Viscount improvement was the 810 with all the more capable motors and higher weights. Pictures of Vickers Viscount |