Sikorsky S62
In spite of the fact that it takes after the much bigger S61/H3 Sea King arrangement, the single motor S62 was a prior outline, based upon the cylinder controlled S55.
The S62 has the qualifications of being Sikorsky's first generation outline controlled by a turboshaft (instead of cylinder) motor and Sikorsky's first land and/or water capable helicopter, in spite of the fact that it was just created in little numbers.
The S62 takes the S55's dynamic frameworks, including the rotor sharpened pieces of steels, principle and tail rotor heads, primary, middle of the road and tail gearboxes and parts of different frameworks including water power and flight controls coupled with a General Electric Ct58 turboshaft and another, bigger fuselage.
The new fuselage consolidated a frame and outrigger buoys (lodging retractable principle undercarriage) giving the S-62 its land and/or water capable capacity and a bigger more voluminous primary lodge. The relatively light weight of the turboshaft in the interim implied that it could be mounted over the S-62's fuselage, as opposed to in the nose as on the S55 and S58.
The S62 was implicit three variants. The model flew surprisingly on May 14 1958, and the first of the introductory creation form, the S62a, was conveyed to Los Angeles Helicopters in 1961. Stand out S62b flew, it contrasted from the S62a in having the element frameworks of the S58 (portrayed independently). The S62c was a business improvement of the US Coast Guard's inquiry and salvage Hh52a with an all the more compelling motor. Pictures of Sikorsky S62 |