Fokker F-27 & Fairchild F-27 & FH-227
Most likely the closest to being the mythical DC-3 substitution, the Fokker F-27 Friendship, including the Fairchild constructed F-27 and FH-227, was implicit more prominent numbers than another western turboprop carrier.
The Fokker F-27 started life as a 1950 outline study known as the P275, a 32 seater fueled by two Rollsroyce Dart turboprops. With the help of Dutch government subsidizing the P275 advanced into the F-27, which first flew on November 24 1955. This unique model was fueled by Dart 507s and would have situated 28, when the second model had flown (in January 1957) the fuselage length developed to permit seating for 32.
By this stage Fokker had consented to an arrangement that would see Fairchild manufacture Friendships in the USA. The primary airplane to enter administration was truth be told a Fairchild manufactured F-27, in September 1958.
Fairchild F-27s contrasted from the introductory Fokker F-27 Mk 100s in having essential seating for 40, an extended nose equipped for lodging a climate radar, and extra fuel limit.
Improvements incorporated the Mk 200/F-27a with all the more compelling motors, Mk 300/F-27b and basically military Mk 400 Combi adaptations, the Mk 500 with a 1.50m (4ft 11in) fuselage stretch taking seating to 52, and Mk 600 brisk change cargo/pax airplane.
Fairchild freely created the extended FH-227, which showed up just about two years sooner than the Mk 500. The FH-227 offered a 1.83m (6ft 0in) stretch over standard length F-27/F-27s, taking standard seating to 52. Pictures of Fokker F-27 & Fairchild F-27 & FH-227 |