Douglas DC-6
While the DC-3's and DC-4's non military personnel vocations were hindered by Ww2, the inverse applies to the DC-6, which began off because of a military airdrop necessity, and happened to turn into Douglas' best four engined cylinder aerial shuttle.
Amid the recent phases of Ww2 Douglas started chip away at a created DC-4 for after war business utilization. However the enhanced DC-4 (which would offer a 2.11m/6ft 11in fuselage stretch and P&w R-2800 Double Wasp motors) soon pulled in the consideration of the US Army Air Force, which contrived a necessity which the new transport was produced against. A model was assembled, assigned XC-112, however it didn't fly until February 15 1946, by which time the war was over and the military prerequisite no more stood.
Rather Douglas proceeded with advancement of the sort as a long run carrier, bringing about the DC-6. The XC-112 served as the model for the DC-6 project. US aerial transports had as of now demonstrated solid enthusiasm toward the new transport, with dispatch requests for the DC-6 set in September 1944. The main creation DC-6 first flew in June 1946 and administration entrance, with United Air Lines, happened on April 27 1947. However early administration was not smooth with the armada grounded for four months from November that year after two inward fuselage fires in flight, one being deadly, brought on by fuel venting entering the lodge warmer ram air admission.
The accessibility of the all the more capable R-2800 motors with water/methanol infusion incited Douglas to create the further extended DC-6a Liftmaster tanker (first flight September 29 1949) and the proportionate traveler DC-6b (first flight February 2 1951). The DC-6c, the last DC-6 model to be produced, was a convertible traveler/cargo rendition of the DC-6a. Pictures of Douglas DC-6 |