De Havilland Canada DHC-8-100/200 Dash 8
Bombardier's de Havilland Dash 8 has turned out to be a prominent player in the provincial turboprop carrier market.
De Havilland Canada started improvement of the Dash 8 in the late 1970s because of what it saw as an impressive business interest for another era 30 to 40 seat suburbanite aerial shuttle. The main flight of the first of two preproduction airplane was on June 20 1983, while Canadian confirmation was granted on September 28 1984. The principal client conveyance was to norontair of Canada on October 23 1984.
Like the Dash 7, the Dash 8 peculiarities a high mounted wing and Ttail, and has a progressed flight control framework and substantial full length trailing edge folds. Control in the mean time is supplied by two Pratt & Whitney Canada Pw120 arrangement (initially assigned Pt7a) turboprops.
Beginning Dash 8 generation was of the Series 100, which was trailed by the Series 100a in 1990. The 100a presented an overhauled inside with additional headroom and Pw120a turboprops. The Series 100b was offered from 1992 with all the more compelling Pw121s for better climb and landing strip execution.
Creation since exchanged to the enhanced execution Dash 8-200. Proclaimed in 1992 and conveyed from April 1995 the -200 gimmicks all the more effective Pw123c motors which give a 56km/h (30kt) build in cruising velocity, and more noteworthy shared trait with the extended Dash 8300. The 200b subordinate has Pw123bs for better hot and superior.
From the second quarter of 1996 all Dash 8s conveyed have been fitted with a machine controlled commotion and vibration concealment framework (or NVS). To reflect this the assignment was changed to Dash 8q (Q for `quiet'). In 1998 that was changed again to Dash 8 Q200 when another inside was presented. Pictures of De Havilland Canada DHC-8-100/200 Dash 8 |