Yakovlev Yak-40
The Yak-40 was the first fly controlled aerial shuttle in its class in administration in substantial numbers anyplace on the planet, going before the ERJ-135 and 328jet by three decades.
Configuration of the Yak-40 came about because of a mid 1960s Aeroflot prerequisite for a swap for the a great many Lisunov Li-2s (Soviet fabricated DC-3s), Ilyushin Il-12s and Il-14s (portrayed independently) then in administration. Aeroflot joined incredible importance to the Yak-40 project, as the flying machine was planned to work territorial administrations that represented half of Aeroflot's traveler movement.
A S Yakovlev (after whom the outline authority is named) headed the Yak-40 configuration group, and the program's presence was uncovered on October 21 1966, when the first model made its lady flight. The sort went into generation in 1967 and entered administration with Aeroflot in September 1968. Generation proceeded until 1978, with 1011 fabricated by the Saratov flying machine plant, of which 125 airplane were traded to 18 nations.
The Yak-40's most observable configuration peculiarity is its trijet design, with three exceptionally created Ivchenko AI-25 two pole turbofans. The three plane motor design was picked for expanded repetition (and henceforth better one motor out execution, permitting great short field execution). The unswept, high perspective degree wing is additionally intended for good field execution. An APU and a ventral airstair in the back fuselage permit independent operation at remote landing strips. A high power-to-weight degree permits the Yak-40 a great hot-and-elite - working money making concerns was a lesser necessity.
The Yak-40 remained fundamentally unaltered amid its generation life, however various advancements were proposed, including the Yak-40m, a 40 seat extended improvement. For a period a US organization, ICX Aviation, wanted to manufacture the sort in the USA with western flying and three Garrett Tfe731 turbofans. The Yak-40tl twin motor change was additionally proposed. The primary contrast would have been the substitution of the Yak-40's three motors with two Lycoming LF 507s.
The Yak-40k is a payload traveler adaptation with a port-side forward load entryway with a greatest payload of 3200kg (7055lb) in all cargo arrangement.
The Yak-40d has two extra fuel tanks to build the aggregate fuel ability to 6000kg (13,200lb). The Yak-40dts is a troop bearer and paramedic design. Different renditions are prepared for adjustment, meteorological research, testing and investigating of radio-electronic gear, and for utilization as a motor testbed.
Separated from air transport utilize, a number are in administration as corporate or government transports with a VIP inside. Pictures of Yakovlev Yak-40 |