Taylorcraft series
The Taylor arrangement of light flying machine has a standout amongst the most checkered generation histories of any light air ship.
The first Taylor Brother's Airplane Company was in charge of the Piper Cub outline, and William T Piper bought the organization and its outlines in 1931 when it ran into monetary troubles. Gilbert Taylor stayed on as president with the organization under Piper's possession (the Taylor name was at first held) until 1935 when he surrendered to make his organization, this time named Taylorcraft.
Taylorcraft's first air ship was like the Piper Cub with the exception of that it situated two side by side and was fueled by a 30kw (40hp) Continental motor. Prewar it was implicit A, B, D and D Tandem Trainer structure, the last flying machine seating two in pair.
The Tandem Trainer framed the premise for the wartime L-2, nicknamed Grasshopper, and more than 1600 were constructed amid World War 2 for the US Army Air Force.
Post bellum Taylorcraft continued generation of the prewar B-12 as the BC-12d. Very nearly 3000 BC-12ds were fabricated before the organization experienced money related inconveniences and the firm was purchased out by Gilbert Taylor once more, in March 1947. The new Taylorcraft Inc then manufactured the two seat Ace, Traveler, De Luxe and Sportsman; the four seat Tourist, Ranch Wagon, Topper horticultural airplane and the buoy prepared Seabird and Zephyr.
Again Taylorcraft stopped exchanging, and did not change until 1968 when it was set up to help existing airplane. In 1973 this organization started building the Continental O-200 fueled F-19 Sportsman 100, and from 1983 the Lycoming O-235 controlled F-21, which were focused around the prewar Model B, yet creation stopped in 1986. At that point in January 1990 Taylorcraft flew the enhanced Textron Lycoming O-235-L2c fueled F-22, little quantities of which were assembled before creation stopped for the last time in October 1992.
Up until creation stopped, Taylorcraft may have made a case for have had the longest generation run of any airplane as of now utilizing its unique Type Certificate. And also the F-22 with tailwheel undercarriage, a tricycle model was likewise presented, the F-22a, and a model with a higher controlled 134kw (180hp) O-360 motor, the F-22c.
Today, the taking care of qualities of the F-22a uncover the inadequacies of matured airplane plan, not at all requesting to fly yet robust, lethargic, moderate, uproarious, draughty...., simply what you would have expected 50 years prior. To support it the F-22a has a shocking reach, no less than 6 hours at journey power. Pictures of Taylorcraft series |