Rockwell 500/520/560/680/685/720 Commander
The roots of this productive arrangement of twins lies with two previous Douglas representatives (one of whom was Ted Smith) who shaped the Aero Design and Engineering Corporation in December 1944 in the wake of neglecting to investment their management in an outline they were chipping away at.
Their unique configuration was the six to seven seat L-3805, which first flew on April 23 1948. This air ship shaped the premise for the first Aero Commander creation show, the 520, which situated five to seven individuals and was fueled by two 195kw (260hp) Lycoming GO-435s. Creation started in late 1951.
A sum of 150 Aero 520 Commanders were fabricated through to 1954. Consequent improvement prompted the all the more effective 560 arrangement (1954) with adapted motors, the 680 arrangement (1955) with supercharged motors, and the immediate drive typically suctioned 500 arrangement (1958). Variations, separated from the test 360, incorporate the 560a which presented the 25cm (10in) extended fuselage that turned into the standard short fuselage length, the 560e which presented the conclusive wing compass, the 720 Alti Cruiser pressurized improvement of the 680 and the later pressurized 680pf.
The 560 and 680 were joined by the extended 680fl Grand Commander from 1962. The 500 was acquainted with generation in 1958 and was initially proposed as a minimal effort model.
In 1967 North American Rockwell assumed control Aero Commander and the Grand Commander turned into the Courser Commander and the 500 turned into the Shrike Commander (picking up its different pointed nose in the meantime). The Shrike Commander was the last Commander to stay in creation, assembling consummation in 1980.
The last cylinder fueled model to show up was the Rockwell 685 Commander, which was a cylinder controlled Turbo Commander.
In US military administration, the assignment for the airplane was initially L-26, in 1962 renamed to U-4 (Air Force) and U-9 (Army). Two U-4bs (ex L-26cs), an Air Force variant of the 680, were requested by the USAF as presidential airplane for President Dwight D. Eisenhower. They were utilized from 1956 to 1960 for short excursions. They had the refinement of being the most diminutive "Flying corps One", the first Presidential airplane to have just two motors, and the first Presidential air ship to convey the natural blue and white colors. Pictures of Rockwell 500/520/560/680/685/720 Commander |