Raytheon Beechcraft King Air 200
The King Air 200 is a continuation of the King Air line, with new peculiarities including the unique Ttail, all the more influential motors, more noteworthy wing zone and compass, expanded lodge pressurization, more prominent fuel limit and higher working weights contrasted with the King Air 100.
Beech started configuration chip away at the Super King Air 200 in October 1970, ensuing in the sort's first flight on October 27 1972. Certificated in mid December 1973, the King Air 200 happened to be the best flying machine in its class, overshadowing such opponents as the Cessna Conquest and Piper Cheyenne. Today the King Air 200 is the stand out of the three in generation.
The enhanced B200 entered creation in May 1980, this variant peculiarities more proficient Pt6a42 motors, expanded zero fuel max weight and expanded lodge pressurization. Sub variations incorporate the B200c with a 1.32m x 1.32m (4ft 4in x 4ft 4in) load entryway, the B200t with removable tip tanks, and the B200ct with tip tanks and freight entryway. The Special Edition B200se was certificated in October 1995 and characteristics an EFIS aeronautics suite as standard.
Different uncommon mission King Air 200s and B200s have been constructed, including for navaid alignment, oceanic watch and asset investigation. Furthermore a few hundred Super King Airs have been manufactured for the US military under the assignment C12. C12s perform a scope of missions from electronic reconnaissance to VIP transport.
The 1500th business King Air 200 was inherent 1995. In 1996 Raytheon dropped the `super' prefix for each of the 200, 300 and 350 model King Airs. Pictures of Raytheon Beechcraft King Air 200 |