Brazil Präsidentenjet to be colorful

President Jair Bolsonaro wants to make the Airbus A319 the government of the Brazilian. The Jet should, in the future, adorned with national motifs.

They call him the Trump of the tropics. Jair Bolsonaro is since 1. January, President Of Brazil. Like its counterpart in the United States, he won the elections with an ultra-right, populist program. Opponent, he denigrated or threatened you. Be the most popular means of communication, the Short messaging service Twitter is also.

It's no wonder that the Brazilians and Donald Trump to admire each Other. Now Bolsonaro has learned in terms of Präsidentenjet his role model in Washington. He has recently suggested that the Brazilian air force for the head of state-operated Airbus A319 ACJ gets a new paint job.

Posted by Jack at .