Mooney M-20 to M-20G
Before Al Mooney began his organization, he had composed seventeen airplane when he was working for Alexander, Bellanca, Monocoupe and Culver, including the mainstream Culver Cadet and an arrangement of target automatons for the armed force amid WWII. The principal result of the new Mooney Aircraft Corporation was the 1948 wooden single seat M-18 Mite. In any case he longed to amplify his thoughts for proficient, moderate airplane to a bigger, four seat outline of metal and wood development with fabric blanket.
This was the Mooney M-20 which first flew on August 10 1953. The M-20 was controlled by a 105kw (145hp) six chamber Continental O-300 level six motor, had retractable undercarriage and presented the different forward cleared tail. It was set into generation not long after with a 110kw (150hp) Lycoming O-320, and a productive arrangement of advancements emulated.
These incorporated the 700 or more M-20as with a 135kw (180hp) O-360, and the comparably controlled M-20c Mark 21. Extremely fruitful with 400 inherent its first year, the Mark 21 offered an all metal structure and higher takeoff weight. A lower spec altered undercarriage form, the M-20d Master was likewise advertised. The resulting M-20e Super 21 flew without precedent for July 1963 and offered an all the more capable fuel infused 150kw (200hp) IO-360 motor, consolidating the M-20e's clean flight science and the all the more effective motor to give a guaranteed top rate of 317km/h (171kt). From the mid 1960s all models picked up a little balance filet and a bigger squared off back lodge window.
The M-20f Executive 21 of 1965 was focused around the M-20e Super 21 and had a 25cm (10in) fuselage stretch and an additional lodge window on each one side, new lodge fittings and additional fuel. In 1967 the reach was renamed, the M-20c turning into the Ranger, the M-20f proceeded as the Executive, the M-20e was ceased for a period until returning as the Chaparral, and another model, the M-20g Statesman (with the Executive's fuselage and a 135kw/180hp motor) showed up (albeit just 183 were manufactured).
For a period from 1970 Mooney was known as the Aerostar Aircraft Corporation, and the Ranger turned into the Aerostar 200, the Chaparral the 201 and Executive the 220. However this organization stopped generation in ahead of schedule 1972, and it was not until 1973 that reconsidered models were fabricated under the Mooney pennant once more (portrayed independently). Pictures of Mooney M-20 to M-20G |