MD Helicopters MD-600N
The MD-600n is an extended eight seat improvement of the five seat MD-520n helicopter.
Mcdonnell Douglas Helicopter Systems (MD Helicopters since 1999) initially advertised it was creating an extended MD-520n in late 1994, and revealed the first flying model of the new helicopter, around then assigned the MD-630n, at the Heli Expo in Las Vegas in January 1995. This model, an altered MD-530f, had made its first flight on November 22 1994. The MD-630n made large amounts of enthusiasm at the Heli Expo and Mcdonnell Douglas gave the go-ahead for the generation air ship, redesignated the MD-600n, in March 1995.
The model was altered to MD-600n standard with a generation standard motor and tail blast and flew in November 1995, took after the following month by the first MD-600n creation model. Tragically this second model was decimated by flame after a constrained arriving in May 1996, created by the primary rotor reaching the tail blast amid amazing control inversion tests.
In this way the third model, which first flew on August 9 1996, offered changes to build the principle rotor-tail blast leeway. Certificate was granted on May 15 1997 with first conveyances starting in June that year. Further execution changes were certificated in mid 1998.
Mcdonnell Douglas extended the MD-520n fuselage by embeddings an attachment behind of the cockpit/lodge bulkhead and extending the NOTAR tail blast. The bigger fuselage takes into account an additional (center) column of seats. Different contrasts contrasted and the MD-520n incorporate another six razor sharp edge principle rotor (the MD-520n has a five sharpened steel unit) and an all the more influential Allison (now Rolls-Royce) 250 turboshaft.
Since the 1997 merger with Boeing the previous Mcdonnell Douglas common helicopter lines were available to be purchased. Chime's arrangements to secure the Boeing common helicopter lines were obstructed by the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in 1998. In any case, in ahead of schedule 1999 Dutch claimed MD Helicopters obtained the lines.
MD Helicopters created a yaw steadiness expansion framework for the MD-600n to lessen pilot workload, which got to be accessible as a choice from mid 2001.
Considerable quantities of the MD-600n were conveyed to e.g. the United States Border Patrol and the Turkish Police. Pictures of MD Helicopters MD-600N |