Maule M-4 to M-7
The originator of this tough arrangement of STOL light air ship was the M-4 Bee Dee (named after its fashioner Belford D Maule).
Despite the fact that it was initially expected to offer the M-4 (which first flew on September 8 1960) as a kitbuilt air ship, it was set into arrangement generation and a productive arrangement of variations and sub variations emulated.
The main of the line was the M-4 arrangement, which stayed in creation somewhere around 1962 and 1973. The introductory M-4 Bee Dee, or later M-4c Jetasen, was truly essential, emphasizing a 108kw (145hp) O-300 and settled pitch prop; other M-4 variations were the 155kw (210hp) Continental IO-360 fueled M-4-210c Rocket and the 118kw (220hp) Franklin 6a-350 controlled M-4-220c Strata Rocket.
The M-5 arrangement went into generation in 1973 and offered an expansive cleared back vertical tail surface, four lodge entryways, discretionary additional fuel and the cambered wingtips initially presented on later arrangement M-4s. Variations incorporated the Franklin fueled M-5-220c and Lycoming O-540 controlled M-5-225c Lunar Rockets; the Continental controlled M-5-210c and M-5-180c (with a four barrel O-360); and the turbocharged Lycoming TIO-360 fueled M-5-210tc.
The M-6 was just implicit little numbers yet presented changes, for example, more prominent wing compass and fuel tankage.
Maule Aircraft Production stopped in 1975, while Maule Air Inc was structured in 1984 to assemble the M-5 and enhanced M-7
The M-7 structures the premise of a productive group of subvariants. Momentum creation models incorporate the tricycle undercarriage MXT-7 Trainer (accessible in 120kw/160hp and 135kw/180hp structures); MX-7-180a Sportplane; MXT-7-180a Trainer; MX-7-180b Star Rocket; MXT-7-180 Star Craft; M-7-235 Super Rocket five seater and MT-7-235 with tricycle undercarriage and the MX-7-235 Super Rocket four seater. The M-7-420 and MX-7-420 Starcraft models were Allison 250 turboprop fueled. Pictures of Maule M-4 to M-7 |