De Havilland Canada DHC-4 Caribou
De Havilland Canada's fourth plan was an enormous venture up in size contrasted and its prior items, and was the initially controlled by two motors, however the Caribou was comparable in that it is a rough STOL utility. The Caribou was essentially a military strategic transport that in business administration ended up a little corner.
De Havilland Canada planned the DHC-4 in light of a US Army prerequisite for a strategic airlifter to supply the battlefront with troops and supplies and clear losses on the return venture. With support from Canada's Department of Defense Production, DHC assembled a model demonstrator that flew surprisingly on July 30 1958.
Awed with the Dhc4's STOL abilities and potential, the US Army requested five for assessment as YAC-1s and happened to turn into the biggest Caribou administrator, taking conveyance of 159. The AC-1 assignment was changed in 1962 to CV-2, and afterward C-7 when the US Army's CV-2s were exchanged to the US Air Force in 1967. US and Australian Caribou saw broad administration amid the Vietnam clash. Also a few US Caribou were caught by North Vietnamese constrains and stayed in administration with that nation through to the late 1970s. Other eminent military administrators included Canada, Malaysia, India and Spain.
The dominant part of Caribou generation was for military administrators, however the sort's roughness and fantastic STOL abilities likewise spoke to a select gathering of business clients. US accreditation was granted on December 23 1960. Ansettmal, which worked a solitary sample in the New Guinea good countries, and AMOCO Ecuador were early clients, as was Air America (a CIA front in South East Asia amid the Vietnam War time for incognito operations). Other Caribou entered business benefit in the wake of being resigned from their military clients.
Today just a handful are in common use as the Caribou's parched twin line outspread motors make business operations uneconomic where its STOL execution is not a variable.
Enthusiasm toward the Caribou could be restored nonetheless, as Pen Turbo from Cape May, NJ has made a change with Pratt & Whitney Pt6a-67t turbine motors with 5-bladed Hartzell propellers, named the DHC-4a Turbo Caribou, and is currently offering this alteration available under a STC (Supplemental Type Certificate). Separated from the motors, a few redesign potential outcomes are accessible. Pictures of De Havilland Canada DHC-4 Caribou |