Commander 114B
The Commander 114b is another form, modernized improvement of the first Rockwell Commander 114.
The Rockwell Commander 114 was itself an all the more capable improvement of the Commander 112 of 1970, one of just two new GA outlines from Rockwell. Shockingly for Rockwell, the 150kw (200hp) controlled 112 was generally viewed as underpowered. To address concerns with the 112, Rockwell created the 114 which consolidated various upgrades in addition to above all a 195kw (260hp) six chamber motor.
The 112 and 114 stayed in creation with Rockwell until 1979. In 1981 Rockwell's General Aviation Division was sold to Gulfstream Aerospace. Gulfstream held the assembling rights for the Commander family yet never fabricated the 112 or 114, rather offering the rights to the recently structured Commander Aircraft Company in 1988.
Under the Commander Aircraft Company's stewardship, the fundamental 114 configuration was enhanced and upgraded respectably. The fundamental progressions to the Commander 114b over the first 114 incorporate a restyled motor cowling to lessen drag and other flight optimized upgrades, a quieter and more productive three razor sharp edge Mccauley Black Mac propeller, and another extravagance cowhide and downy inner part.
The modified Commander 114b was issued another Type Certificate on May 4 1992 and creation airplane were conveyed from later that year.
Separated from the 114b, Commander additionally offers the 114at improved for pilot preparing and the turbocharged 200kw (270hp) Tio540 controlled 114tc, which entered administration in 1995. A long go choice for the 114b was advertised in 1998. Pictures of Commander 114B |