Cessna Citation III, VI & VII
The all new Cessna Model 650 Citation III was outlined as an elite, medium size long extend corporate plane to supplement the much more diminutive Citation I and II.
Improvement of this altogether different Citation started in 1978. As it developed, the III had minimal in the same manner as the past Citation models other than the name. The new plan offered a cleared supercritical wing advanced for fast long go flight, new Garrett Tfe731 turbofans, a Ttail, and another fuselage.
The new stream made its first flight on May 30 1979 with a second model flying on May 2 1980. Accreditation was allowed on April 30 1982, first client conveyances happening the accompanying year. The Citation III set two time to tallness records for its class in 1983 and a class rate record by flying from Gander to Le Bourget in 5hr 13min.
Creation upgrades to the Citation III were initially proposed in the wiped out Citation IV. This model was proclaimed in 1989 and was to gimmick longer go through more noteworthy fuel tankage, and better short field execution. In its place rather Cessna created the Citation VI and VII. The Citation VI was offered as a minimal effort advancement of the III with an alternate flying bundle and a standard inside format, with modified inner parts inaccessible. To start with flight of the Citation VI occurred in 1991 yet just 39 were assembled when creation was wound up in May 1995.
The Citation VII in the mean time emphasizes various upgrades including all the more capable motors for enhanced hot and elite. The principal Citation VII model flew in February 1991 and the sort was certificated in January 1992. The Citation VII stays in creation as the main part of the Citation III/VI/VII presently accessible new form.
A late critical client for the Citation VII was Executive Jet Aviation which requested 20 for its Netjets fragmentary possession plan for conveyance from 1997. Pictures of Cessna Citation III, VI & VII |