Cessna 560 Citation V, Ultra & Ultra Encore
The Citation V, Citation Ultra and Ultra Encore are the biggest straight wing parts of Cessna's exceptionally effective Citation gang.
Cessna openly affirmed it was creating an extended improvement of the Citation II at the yearly NBAA tradition in New Orleans in 1987. Prior in August that year the first building Model 560 Citation V had effectively finished the sort's lady flight. A preproduction model flew in right on time 1986, while US accreditation was conceded on December 9 1988. Conveyances started the accompanying April.
The Citation V was focused around the Citation II/SP, however contrasts over the more modest plane incorporate all the more compelling Pratt & Whitney Canada Jt15d5a turbofans and a slight fuselage stretch, permitting seating in a standard design for eight travelers. The Citation V demonstrated truly prominent, with 262 manufactured through to mid 1994 preceding creation exchanged to the modernized Ultra.
Cessna reported advancement of the redesigned Citation V Ultra in September 1993. FAA affirmation was conceded in June 1994, taking into consideration conveyances of generation flying machine to begin before long. Contrasted and the Citation V, the Ultra peculiarities all the more influential 13.6kn (3045lb) Pratt & Whitney Canada Jt15d5d motors and Honeywell Primus 1000 EFIS flight with three CRT shows (two essential flight showcases and one multifunction show).
The Citation Ultra Encore is another improvement published at the 1998 NBAA tradition. Contrasted and the Ultra the Encore presents new Pratt & Whitney Canada Pw535 motors, in addition to trailing connection principle undercarriage, more fuel payload, upgraded inner part and enhanced frameworks. The Ultra's Honeywell Primus 1000 EFIS flight suite is held.
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