British Aerospace Jetstream 31/Super 31
The fruitful Jetstream 31 follows its lineage to the Turbomã©ca Astazou controlled Handley Page HP-137 Jetstream 1.
The HP-137 was planned as right on time prior as 1965, and flew surprisingly on August 18 1967. Introductory Handley Page creation flying machine were fueled by 635kw (850hp) Astazou Xivs and named Jetstream 1 (36 assembled), however conveyances were deferred by overabundance weight and drag issues. To conquer these issues Handley Page created the Jetstream 2 with all the more effective 800kw (1073shp) Astazou Xivcs. However Handley Page ran into genuine monetary troubles in the late 1960s (bringing on the US Air Force to wipe out a request for 10 Garrett Tpe331 fueled C-10a Jetstreams [3ms]) and it collapsed in 1969, bringing to an end improvement of the all the more influential Jetstream 2 and arrangements to market a common adaptation of the 3m in the USA.
A couple of unfinished flying machine were finished by Terravia, and advancement of the Jetstream 2 continued in 1970 as the Jetstream 200 under the control of the recently framed Jetstream Aircraft as a team with Scottish Aviation. Scottish Aviation later expected general obligation regarding the Jetstream and fabricated a number as route and multi-motor coaches for Britain's military administrations as the Jetstream T1 and T2. Improvement proceeded after Scottish Aviation was united into British Aerospace in 1977, and chip away at the Jetstream 31 (or J31) started in 1978. The principal flight of the Garrett Tpe331 controlled Jetstream 31 (a changed over HP-137) happened on March 28 1980. The primary generation airplane flew in March 1982, UK certificate was allowed in June 1982. In British Naval administration the J31 is assigned the Jetstream T3.
Resulting advancement prompted the Super 31, certificated in October 1988. The Super 31 (or informally J32) peculiarities uprated motors, higher weights and better execution. The last J31/J32 was inherent 1993.
Since 1997 British Aerospace Asset Management has been putting forth available to be purchased or lease the updated J32ep (Enhanced Performance). Its minor air motion facilitating and drag upgrades upgrade payload run and hot and successful performance. Pictures of British Aerospace Jetstream 31/Super 31 |