Beech 65/70/80/88 Queen Air
The flexible Queen Air is Beech's biggest and heaviest cylinder twin separated from the Ww2 period outspread controlled Beech 18.
The Model 65 Queen Air made its first flight on August 28 1958, with conveyances of generation flying machine in late 1960 denoting the start of a creation run that would keep going just about two decades. This first model consolidated the wings, undercarriage, Lycoming motors and tail surfaces of the Model E50 Twin Bonanza with another and significantly bigger fuselage. A Queen Air 65 built another class elevation record of 34,882ft in 1960.
Numerous variations in this manner emulated, including the 3630kg (8000lb) max takeoff weight Model 80 with all the more capable 285kw (380hp) motors and cleared blade and rudder. This model developed into the A80, the first to be offered as a worker aerial shuttle. Presented in 1964, the A80 had an upgraded nose and inside, expanded wing compass and a 227kg (500lb) more prominent takeoff weight. The pressurized 88 had round windows and the more extended wingspan of the A80 and a 3992kg (8800lb) MTOW.
The Model B80 was the last significant creation show and showed up in 1966. It emphasized the more drawn out compass wing and the 88's MTOW. The model A65 was basically a Model 65 with the cleared blade and rudder of the Model 80, and entered creation in 1967. The Model 70 entered creation in 1969, it offered the more extended compass wings, 3720kg (8200lb) MTOW and 255kw (340hp) motors. Generation of the Queen Air stopped in 1977. Pictures of Beech 65/70/80/88 Queen Air |