Beech 19/23/24 Musketeer/Sierra/Sport/Sundowner
Beechcraft created the Musketeer family as a lower expense, lower execution four seater beneath its Bonanza, which would contend with the Cessna 172 and Piper Cherokee.
The model O-320 controlled Musketeer flew in October 1961 and Beech added the sort to its deals go in 1962. An arrangement of ceaseless item overhauling took after, bringing about the flying machine in its last Sierra structure being altogether different to the first Musketeer. The initially enhanced model was the A23 Musketeer II with a 125kw (165hp) Continental Io346 motor (later supplanted with a Lycoming O360 in the B23).
The A23 was further formed into a three airplane family (named the Three Musketeers by Beech promoting) - the A23a Musketeer Custom III with more prominent max takeoff weight, the lessened MTOW A2319 Musketeer Sport III coach with a 110kw (150hp) Lycoming O320, and the 150kw (200hp) Io360 fueled and expanded MTOW Musketeer Super III. From 1970 these three presented a more adjusted fuselage and were renamed the Musketeer B19 Sport, C23 Custom and A24 Super separately.
A retractable undercarriage variation of the Super is the A24r Super R. The Musketeer name was dropped in 1971, with the Custom renamed the Sundowner, and Super R the Sierra, and the Musketeer Sport getting to be basically the Sport. The Sierra experienced critical progressions for the 1974 model with another cowling, quieter motor and more proficient prop. Further air motion facilitating clean ups were presented in 1977. Arrangement generation finished in 1983.
Worldwide Directory of Civil Aircraft. Pictures of Beech 19/23/24 Musketeer/Sierra/Sport/Sundowner |