Antonov/PZL Mielec An-28
The A 28 was the victor of a rival against the Beriev Be30 for another light traveler and utility transport for Aeroflot's short pull courses.
The A 28 is considerably inferred from the prior An14. Shared trait with the An14 incorporates the high wing format, twin blades and rudders, however it varies in having another and far bigger fuselage, in addition to turboprop motors. The first powerplant was the Tvd850, yet generation variants are fueled by the all the more capable Tvd10b.
The A 28 made its first flight as the An14m in September 1969 in the Ukraine. A consequent preproduction air ship first flew in April 1975. Creation of the A 28 was then exchanged to Poland's PZL Mielec in 1978, despite the fact that it was not until 1984 that the first Polish fabricated generation air ship flew. The A 28's Soviet sort authentication was recompensed in April 1986.
While of routine outline, one outstanding gimmick of the A 28 is that it won't stall, because of its programmed spaces. A motor disappointment that would generally prompt the wing to drop 30â° is fought by a programmed spoiler forward of the aileron that opens on the inverse wing, confining wing drop to 12â° in five seconds.
PZL Mielec has been the sole hotspot for creation A 28s, and has created a westernized rendition controlled by 820kw (1100shp) Pratt & Whitney Pt6a65b turboprops with five edge Hartzell propellers, in addition to some western (Bendixking) flying. Assigned the A 28pt, first flight was amid right on time 1993 and it is in constrained creation. Promoted as the M28 Skytruck, the sort got Polish accreditation proportional to US FAR Part 23 in March 1996.
The A 28 was further formed into the extended An-38. Pictures of Antonov/PZL Mielec An-28 |