And suddenly, a Boeing 747 is in the field

A Jumbo Jet has been found in the fields of a Thai town to be his last home. To the Surprise of the local farmers.

To the amazement of some of the residents of Chai Nat is large. At the beginning of July, you will discover in the fields in the outskirts of the Thai town of a Boeing 747. They flock to the huge plane. "At first, I thought that you could run out of fuel and landed on the field," says village residents Prae Anan.

"I've never been in a plane, so it was a big Surprise," says the 40-year-old. "I couldn't believe it." The, seemingly, so suddenly surfaced Jumbo Jet carries the livery of Thai Airways International. The engines have been removed and the cargo space, all the doors are apart closed.

Moto-Cross track and soccer field is planned

The Solution To The Puzzle? The land owner Somchai Phukieow. He revealed that he had purchased the discarded aircraft. "The engines and all the computer parts were removed already," says the new 747-owners. He said he had to bring the Jet by truck to Chai Nat and him using a crane on concrete blocks, to keep the driving bog plants in moist soil.

He wanted to make a small attraction from the Jumbo-Jet, announces Somchai Phukieow. In addition to the aircraft, a Moto-Cross track is to be built, as well as a football field. Inside, you should be able to one day watch football games.

You see footage of the Boeing 747 in the above image gallery with Video.

Posted by John at .